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We are excited for the opportunity to engage with you and provide quality information about water treatment systems for the maritime industry.

We look forward to welcoming new followers and we will continue to keep sharing valuable information about new services and solutions to your business needs, as well as career opportunities in our company.

Once again, thank you all very much for helping us reach this great milestone!

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NGT's Management Team: Oddvar Johan Roseth, Algis Paulauskas, Børge Gjelseth, Kristoffer Berge and Håvard Gjelseth.

Norwegian Greentech has developed a BWMS unlike any other. Extensive water treatment knowledge, in-depth research and strong partnerships resulted into a smart, cost-effective and scalable BWM solution.

NGT is also a supplier of highly efficient process water treatment systems for live fish carriers and land-based aquaculture. The Process water treatment systems is based on filter and UV technology, and is approved by the veterinarian institute.

Norwegian Greentech consists of highly motivated employees with long experience from several other companies in the Norwegian Maritime Cluster. With knowledge about the high demands in maritime operations we aim to give our customers the best service at all time.

Dedicated and trustworthy, based on feedback and focused on results!


Passion for CLEAN WATER